Construction Areas: Big Trucks. Big Danger.

When it comes to construction areas, the old adage “better safe than sorry” could not be more true. UDOT reminds all motorists, residents, businesses and students to remember the safety rules in construction zones:

  • Don’t play in or around construction zones
  • Orange means construction
  • Never go beyond the safety fences or construction cones
  • Don’t touch or play on construction equipment and don’t follow construction trucks
  • Cross only at designated areas: look left, look right and then look left again
  • Use designated detour routes
  • Stay safe around trucks: if you can’t see the driver’s face, they can’t see you
  • Always obey all flaggers and construction signs

With big trucks comes big danger. Be truck smart, especially around construction. Often a truck driver won’t be able to see what’s immediately around his truck, so be alert and be careful.

Think Safety

Think Safety is a UDOT funded program to raise awareness and educate on how to stay safe around construction. The program includes assemblies, flyers, safe route maps, social media kits, presentations, etc. 

Contact us today to request a presentation or assembly in your school.